Best Rain Gauge Manufacturers from Ghaziabad
2022-09-02 13:03 Services Ghāziābād 321 views Reference: 158530,000 ₨
Location: Ghāziābād
Price: 30,000 ₨
We are a Rain Gauge Manufacturers. A syphon that controls and maintains a steady flow rate into the bucket mechanism is also mounted on the gauge. This makes it possible to precisely measure rainfall of all intensities. The tipping mechanism is made of acrylic plastic, which guarantees precise volume control of the tips. Cleaning must play a big part in the maintenance programme since algae and dirt will build up in this mechanism just like they do in any tipping bucket rain gauge.
D-2, Sector A7, Phase 1, Trans Delhi Signature City (Tronica City), Loni, Ghaziabad - 201102, India.